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  • I chose oracle study for my preparation because it has so many plus points. The online practice tests have more than 100 real time scenario based and practical questions. I also became strong in topics like Flow Control and API contents.

    Oct 18 2016 - 06:29
  • I have taken a paid membership for Java ME certification and practiced as guided by your support team. I have successfully pass my exam. Great content, Great interface and Great support. Thank you guys for creating this wonderful site and I recommend this site to all the candidates.

    Feb 21 2016 - 10:11
  • Used the oracle mysql cert mock test on this site and practiced a lot. I was able to score more than 85% mark in my actual oracle 1z0-883 certification. I suggest everyone to prepare for certification exam based on the questions answers of this site. Thanks for ur help.

    Sep 10 2015 - 06:18