Oracle Certification Benefits

Showcase Your New Skills With Oracle Certification

Oracle Certification can give information technology professionals a competitive career edge. Taking an IT certification has become a common practice in recent years for those who want to remain up-to-date with the constantly evolving IT industry. Whether it’s getting hired, a promotion, re-skilling for a new line of work, or staying current with the latest technology, many more IT professionals are seeking the value of certification.

Boost  IT skills with Oracle Certification

Successful certification requires either prior Oracle experience or training to gain the necessary knowledge. For those who need preparation, Oracle offers courses specifically geared toward each exam, as well as free practice tests. Courses can be taken at Oracle's various facilities or online. CD-ROMS are also available for those who prefer a self-study option. In addition, a number of sample questions and online practice tests are available on

3 Reasons to Invest in Oracle Certifications

Why To Earn Oracle Certification?

Earn a well-respected credential to demonstrate IT expertise in the marketplace. Over 90% of certification candidates say they get certified to increase knowledge or skills. The same percentage say Oracle Certifications give them credibility when looking for a new job. 

Experience the Benefits of Oracle Certification

  • The work & study required to prepare for certification exams broadens your knowledge by exposing you to a wide variety of essential functions, features & tasks.

  • Earn a well-respected credential to gain a competitive advantage in the IT job market.

3 Reasons to Invest in Oracle Certifications

  • Gain a competitive advantage by developing a skill set that's in demand, worldwide.

  • Join the 80% of Oracle certification holders who reported a promotion, salary increase or other career improvements.

  • Receive 90 days of free access to Oracle Learning Streams.

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